IT Nework
Smart working
Empower your employees to work from home
Protection problem
Connectivity problems
Network problems
Device management
Remote work

Making remote working secure
Cybercriminals recognize that attacking home users is much easier as they are typically less secured outside their office, where security policies and measures are enforced. The risk of losing important data or being compromised becomes much greater at home. That is why every remote worker should be prepared to secure his remote workspace.
Secure Windows Virtual Desktop
A remote desktop is an essential piece of the IT toolkit. It helps the team remotely access an employee’s device, whether there’s an issue to be solved or an app needs to be installed. Having a remote desktop tool ensures that there is a seamless channel between the department and the employees’ devices.

Cloud solution
Provides office and mobile users with safe file access, sync, and share in an easy-to-use, complete, and secure hosted cloud solution. It also delivers a level of integrated security that is required in the modern digital world – helping service providers to ensure their clients retain control and protect their data, even when on employee devices.
Internal Communication
The most important thing an team can do is to constantly keep in touch with their co-workers. This not only helps solve any potential issues that arise, it also provides the right sort of an environment for employees to fall back on. Knowing that you are always on the other end can go a long way in reassuring your teammates.

Virtual Communication
User Identity Management
Another important aspect of securing your corporate network and data is managing user profiles within the organization. Technology companies of today have evolved to the extent where an employee is given a single ID, that acts as the key to unlock any application or collateral used by the company.

IT infrastructure monitoring
When all your employees are working from home, it becomes doubly important to keep your data centres, infrastructure systems up and running to ensure a smooth transition. It is imperative to invest in a tool that will keep your servers up without significant downtime, provide warnings to prevent a data overload and also monitor your entire IT infrastructure.