Nowadays, visual content is considered to be the top marketing trend among companies. Due to the pandemic, visual content is spreading its magic even more. We have already discussed why anything less than digital content isn’t going to cut it, but do the marketers know how to make the most out of it? Do marketers have a clear picture of how to use visuals to impact their reach, engagement, and sales? We have already provided you with a simple cheat sheet for boosting your digital signage content, but this time, let’s start with the very basics.
Psychology of colours
Colours are a powerful tool when used wisely. One simple rule is applied – colours influence our emotions, affect our behaviour, and, finally, influence our decision making. We tend to associate certain emotions with certain colours.

If you care about your brand’s personality, make sure to set your colour palette. By excluding certain colour schemes, you can exclude unwanted emotions from your visual content. That comes in handy, right? Knowing this simple rule, you can now look at popular brands’ colour schemes differently and learn that Facebook choosing a blueish colour scheme wasn’t any coincidence.

Psychology of text
Finding balance between images and text, is crucial. While images boost the visual part, text is what provides customers with basic information. Think thoroughly about the font you’ll use. It should reflect your brand’s personality, as well. Try not to overplay it! Here we can imply the less-is-more rule, meaning 2-3 fonts are enough to make your content eye-catching, yet simple to understand. We have 4 basic types of fonts, learn the emotions behind them and make the best use of them.

When it comes to sizing, there’s no golden rule. Sizing must reflect the size of the digital signage. However, experts suggest that a 55 pixel font is the best size. Anything less won’t improve the reading experience.
Psychology of shapes
When designing a logo, designers need to bear our subconscious in mind. We respond to different shapes (lines, curves, circles, etc.) differently. Every shape delivers a particular marketing message. Take a closer look!

Last, but not least
To make your content flourish you need to add suitable pictures. Those produce 180% more engagement and 94% more view rates. You can customise them to make them work for you. Try collages, changing the shape of the picture, or adjusting the colour to fit your colour scheme. Or try adding text and frames. The possibilities are numerous!
High quality videos, even though they might be expensive, represent your brand or message on point! Video stimuli evoke such emotions as self-identification, passion, and connectedness with what happens on the screen. It’s easier for us to become emotionally attached to something we watch, rather than by something we read.